Mrs. Nguyễn Tú Anh
Born in 1965
Master’s Degree in Economics
Previous positions
She started her career in December 1998, at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank). She once held the role of Head of the Card Management Office. From 2007, She was the Chief Executive Officer of Smartlink Card Services Joint Stock Company. After the merger between Banknetvn and Smartlink to become NAPAS, from 2015 to May 2017, She held the role of Chief Executive Officer, member of the Board of Directors. From June 2017, She was a member of NAPAS’s Board of Directors for the 2015-2020 tenure. Since August 2020, She has been a member of NAPAS’s Board of Directors for the 2020-2025 tenure.
Organizational Structure
Organizational chart